Cinderella and Prince Charming shared a bed after their happily ever after wedding, right? After all, isn't that what happy, loving partners do? 'Not always, in fact, not often,' says Jennifer Adams, the author of SLEEPING APARt (NOt FALLING APARt): HOW tO GEt A GOOD NIGHt'S SLEEP AND KEEP YOUR RELAtIONSHIP ALIVE. She believes that sleeping together can often cause more sleep deprivation amongst couples than anything except a newborn baby. Many couples have difficulty sleeping in the same bed as a result of one partner's disruptive behaviours such as snoring, restlessness, or a preference for watching tV and/or reading late into the night. As Jennifer Adams explains, there are other bad bedroom habits that keep people awake as well. For many couples, sleeping apart can carry a social stigma. Even those couples who have individual bedrooms and sleep apart or who do sleep separately (and once you start asking around, there are far more of them than you might think) don't talk about it in public. However, as Jennifer explains, a bedroom in which a couple sleeps together is a relatively modern construct - and members of royalty have never done it! While separate bedrooms might be an aspirational goal for couples who can afford it, Jennifer is quick to point out that you don't have to be rich to find a solution that will allow each partner to get a good night's sleep. SLEEPING APARt, NOt FALLING APARt offers couples practical solutions to having separate beds or bedrooms while maintaining a loving and caring relationship. It is a warm, practical and down-to-earth book that is sure to become the next secret bestseller at book club meetings around Australia.

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