The Southern Man. No matter where he lives his heart is always in the south. He's straight talking and straight shooting. He's as rugged as the southern landscape. He loves a Speight's and he loves a girl who loves a Speight's. This is a masculine and hardy high-quality cookbook - a collection of simple tasty fare done the southern way and meant to be enjoyed across the country. It will feature commentary from rugby legends, beer matching from the head brewer and recipes from Speight's Ale House chefs. In addition it will include stunning southern landscapes and some great yarns that will be sure to appeal to the Southern Man (and woman!) - profiles of some iconic southern men, material on the Coast to Coast, the NZ Sevens and NPC, beer profiles, the words of the Southern Man song and the Southern Man identification chart. A good dose of down-to-earth humour in the laconic style known through the memorable ad campaigns will run throughout.
- 9781869793951
- 9781869793951
- National & regional cuisine
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Random House New Zealand Ltd
- Country of origin:
- New Zealand
- Pages:
- 248
- Dimensions (mm):
- 244x180x21mm
- Weight:
- 0.69kg
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