UFOs and space aliens are visiting Earth! Now it's time to get the facts! Did a 'flying saucer' really crash near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, and have we been victims of a sinister government conspiracy to hide its alien occupants in a secret facility? Is there truth behind the swirled crops phenomenon? Have humans been abducted by aliens? In an effort to counter media misinformation "The UFO Invasion" offers definitive, behind-the-scenes accounts of each case of extraterrestrial visitations and paranormal claims. This fully documented look at sightings, encounters, the Roswell incident, 'MJ-12' documents, crop circles, the 'alien autopsy', and more will challenge, illuminate, anger and amuse. Included are revealing articles by Robert A Baker, Robert E Bartholomew, Joseph A Bauer, William B Blake, Robyn M Dawes, C Eugene Emery, Zen Faulkes, John F Fischer, Kingston A George Jr, Philip J Klass, Joe Nickell, James E Oberg, Peter J Reeven, Ian Ridpath, Robert Sheaffer, Armando Simon, Lloyd Stires, Trey Stokes, Dave Thomas, Richard L Weaver (Colonel USAF), Jeff Wells, and Robert P Young. Also, SETI co-ordinator Thomas P McDonough ponders searching for extraterrestrial intelligence.
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