What I’m reading right now… “Swimming in the dark” by Paddy Richardson & “Chez Panisse” by Alice Waters & Rene Redzepi’s kitchen journal.
My favourite book growing up… The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. It was food related and a pop-up…what more could a child want?! From the large chunks of watermelon to cherry pie…heavenly.
My all time favourite book is… “Miss Smillas Feeling for Snow” by Peter Hoeg & anything by Haruki Murakami.
The book I would recommend everyone to read … “Farmageddon” by Philip Lymbery…I haven’t even read it yet but the core focus should be a strong message worldwide.
The book I wish I wrote… The Harry Potter Series…it’s very popular I hear.
My guilty reading pleasure is… Scandi crime.
The book on my bookshelf that I have never read… “Barracuda” by Chris Tsiolkas
The book that never should have been turned into a film… Any of the Anne Rice Chronicles
My book is… delicious and achievable.
I’ll never forget… the first day I entered a professional kitchen.
My favourite place is… by the sea.
The most dangerous thing I have ever done is… give birth to two children.
The first time I… had friends over for dinner was when I was 15.
I regret… my gothic years and the photos taken.
I remember… Stellas first word.
The one piece of advice I should have listened to but didn’t… who has time to remember regrets when you are looking to the future.
I love… to cook.
I hate… that I did not embrace technology earlier.
I wish… I could sing.
I can’t say no to… dark chocolate
Yesterday, I… should’ve got more sleep.
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