This book provides an overview of the orchid family and describes unique features of their biology and ecology. Key topics include the global importance of Western Australia as an orchid diversity hotspot and the amazing interactions between orchids and pollinating insects. An overview on orchid conservation issues in WA and advice for orchid tourists are also provided along with a guide to identification with keys to orchid genera. Most chapters concern orchid identification with additional information on the pollination, ecology, cultivation and taxonomy of each genus. For each species, a brief description focuses on defining features with the majority of space used for photos. These chapters were designed to be user friendly and make identification as easy and accurate as possible.
- 9780992590505
- 9780992590505
- Science: general issues
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mark\Brundrett
- Country of origin:
- Australia
- Dimensions (mm):
- 240x160mm
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