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Quicksand questions what it means to be happy and at what cost. It is a dark comedy centred on the essentially well-meaning but utterly hopeless Aldo Benjamin, who is a disastrous entrepreneur. He has big hopes and even bigger dreams, but he doesn’t have the capability to make things happen. It is hard not to feel sorry for him for most of the book, but he begins to wear thin by the end. This book made me laugh hard in parts though and there were other parts that equally made me cringe, so it’s definitely an entertaining read The other “saddults” in the book, Aldo’s best friend Liam, old high school teach Morrell and wife Stella are all believable characters wrapped up in the mayhem of Aldo’s life, trying to distance themselves from him but unable to turn their back It’s lines like ‘Do you mind if I point you out to a few students as a possible worst case scenario? that make this book great.
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