Trial by Fire is a sensational, page-turning adventure from the bestselling author of Starcrossed, Josephine Angelini.

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I literally have only good things to tell you about this book! Just drop everything and go read this now.
It's basically a evilly delicious tale about magic, jumping-through-multiple-worlds, science, fire, and the occasional pickle. I'm not joking. Pickles feature. Mostly science and magic. I was impressed with the combo of sciencey magic, although (I have to admit) if you even say "biology" in my hearing, my eyes sort of glaze over and I think about pickles and sandwiches. I just don't get science. I do try, occasionally, but to no avail. So that was a bit of a downer for me, but the awesome twist on magic and witches made up for it. The book has it's own rules for magic and they're unique and amazing. I love it when books are original!
Basically we get thrown into a completely different world.
It can be challenging to keep up with. The book has a theory that there are millions of versions of our world. Our bonnie main character, Lily, gets tossed into an alternate universe. SO. You'd imagine everything would be different, right? It is. Completely. Which is awesome, but a bit overwhelming and there's lots of explaining.
The dialogue is epic too! FINALLY. GOOD DIALOGUE. It's funny and deep and realistic. But you know me: laughing is important. Hang on a sec, just awarding the book extra shiny stickers.
So the characters? You want to hear about them right? WELL. First off we have Lily, who bops into the alternate world where another version of her, Lilian, is an evil and very powerful witch.
In the Alternate World, Lily joins up with three incredibly awesome dudes. The dynamics of the foursome reminded me of The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. Everyone was friends first and then the romances built off that. So awesome.
And despite how much I enjoyed reading the book, it felt like it took forever to finish. I was constantly seeing how many pages I had left. I wasn't bored, per se, I was just a centimetre off being totally swallowed.
Oh and THE ENDING IS AN AWFUL CLIFFHANGER. By "awful" I mean amazing.
If you're looking for a fantasy that focus on a) the world building, b) awesome dialogue c) really well fleshed out characters, and d) pickles: THEN THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU.
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