Second Chance Holiday
All Hannah Dorchester wants is to give her orphaned niece and nephew a happy Christmas. She's ready for anything–except their uncle Ethan Williams. Thirteen years ago she was planning their wedding and he was planning his escape–joining the military without even a goodbye. Ethan never meant to break Hannah's heart, but now the recovering soldier's back and he wants his late brother's kids. He's got one month to prove he'll be the better parent. But as they start sharing in the joys of the season, he's determined to show Hannah he's also become a better man. Could this be their final chance at family–and their second chance for love?
- 9781489229748
- 9781489229748
- Romance
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mills & Boon Love Inspired
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