Unfortunately, the Doctor just went mad, or so it seems, and flew his TARDIS beyond a black hole's event horizon, causing him and his companion Lucie Miller to end up marooned on a planetoid just inside the event horizon. Along with a Dalek saucer... and something else. Because this is no ordinary black hole... This is the Cradle of the Darkness. 2. The Revolution Game by Alice Cavender. It's Lucie's birthday, and her birthday treat awaits. But whatever she's expecting, it's not what she's
getting on the colony world of Castus Sigma in the year 3025: ringside seats for the interplanetary Retro Roller Derby - sponsored by Heliacorp, "turning sunlight into gold"! It's more than just a game, though. For the competitors, it's a matter of life or death - a New Life with Heliacorp, or a living death on Castus Sigma. Or, on this fateful day, a very actual death. Because there are strange creatures living out on the plain, beyond the colony. Creatures with every reason to want to
sabotage the games. Creatures with a grudge. 3. The House on the Edge of Chaos by Eddie Robson. The TARDIS brings the Doctor and Lucie to a vast house on the planet known as Horton's Orb. The only house on Horton's Orb, in fact. Outside its outsized windows there's nothing. No land. No sea. No sky. No life. Just an endless expanse of static. Inside the house, there's an upstairs and a downstairs - servants below, gentlefolk from the finest of the house's families above. Alas, there are altogether too few eligible ladies on the upper floors these days. Meaning there's a vacancy for Miss Lucie Miller, single and unattached...Outside the house, the static howls on. Except now, the static wants to get in. 4. Island of the Fendahl by Alan Barnes. The Fendahl is the death of evolution, the horror that lies in wait at the far end of the food chain. The Fendahl is death itself. And the Fendahl is dead. The Doctor destroyed it many years ago, in another incarnation, when he encountered it in a place called Fetchborough. But if the Fendahl is dead... how can it live again, on the remote island of Fandor? CAST: Paul McGann (The Doctor), Sheridan Smith (Lucie Miller), Matt Lloyd Davies (Jik Gelliska), Amanda Hurwitz (Raz Kalisto), Jonathan Keeble (Clegg), Madeline Duggan (Sash), Tom Alexander (George), Alicia Ambrose-Bayly (Tallulah / Alana Kelly), Carla Mendonca (Evangeline Horton), Rupert Vansittart (Darius Horton), Emily Woodward (Frances Horton), Joe Jameson (Berrigan Horton), Carlyss Peer (Diane Howard), Atilla Akinci (Dieter Fendelman), Paul Panting (Freddie), Lauren Cornelius (Maxine Mitchell), Bethan Dixon Bate (Landlady) and Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks). Other parts played by members of the cast.
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