They fight all the time, about everything. Then disaster strikes. Dog's beloved ball bounces up into a tree and is stuck. Cat's precious stuffed mouse falls into the pond. Dog can't climb. Cat can't swim. What are they to do? Claire Masurel's simple text and Bob Kolar's bright, bold illustrations combine in this charming picture book for the very young, a humorous look at the age-old battle of cats and dogs that demonstrates how a simple act of kindness can turn an enemy into a friend.
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They fight all the time, about everything. Then disaster strikes. Dog's beloved ball bounces up into a tree and is stuck. Cat's precious stuffed mouse falls into the pond. Dog can't climb. Cat can't swim. What are they to do? Claire Masurel's simple text and Bob Kolar's bright, bold illustrations combine in this charming picture book for the very young, a humorous look at the age-old battle of cats and dogs that demonstrates how a simple act of kindness can turn an enemy into a friend.
- 9780735843547
- 9780735843547
- Category:
- Animal stories (Children's / Teenage)
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- 26-06-2018
- Language:
- Spanish
- Publisher:
- North-South Books
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Pages:
- 32
- Dimensions (mm):
- 265x215x5mm
- Weight:
- 0.13kg
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