Who is the master and who the machine? This collection of twenty stories by the Northern Beaches Writers' Group explores this question with horror, humour, pathos and philosophy. Whether it be in our own place and time, far in the future, the past, or in a universe of their own making, our authors grapple with the interface between humanity and its machines. Are the things we make ours to command? Will they always be? And who, exactly, is making whom?
Includes stories by the following Northern Beaches Writers' Group authors: Bronwen Bowden, Alexandra Cain, Harriet Cunningham, Chris Foster, J E Gaulton, Suzi Green, Carl Holm, Rodney Jensen, A R Kelly, P J Keuning, Chris Lake, Tony McFadden, Mijmark, Andrew Mills, Judith O'Connor, Kylie Pfeiffer, Gill Schierhout, Zena Shapter, Susan Steggall and Sonia Zadro.
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