Since the new Duchess of Kesgrave cannot be swayed from her unfortunate interest in dead bodies, Lady Abercrombie decides to confront the matter head-on by hosting a murder mystery dinner party.
Gathering together several of society's most influential members, she concocts an amusing puzzle-play, assigns roles, and stands back to allow Bea to impress them all with her ingenuity.
The former spinster will be the height of fashion in no time. Huzzah!
No, she won't, Bea thinks. Her status has increased with her marriage, yes, but so have the insecurities that bedeviled her first season. Far from charming everyone with her wit, she will appall them with her inability to form coherent or interesting sentences.
'Tis a three-act tragedy in the making.
But then one of the guests is killed in the same manner as her ladyship's victim and the evening turns genuinely tragic. Horrified, the august company scurry for the exits, and Bea, determined to detain all her lovely suspects, throws herself bodily against the door.
Intimidated or not, she will identify the murderer-even if it guarantees her social ruin.
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