A Land in Between documents the material culture and socio-political relationships of the Orontes Valley and its neighbours from the fourth through to the second millennium BCE. The authors demonstrate that the valley was an important conduit for the exchange of knowledge and goods that fuelled the first urban age in western Syria. This lays the foundation for a comparative perspective, providing a clearer understanding of key differences between the Orontes region and its neighbours, and insights into how patterns of material and political association changed over time.
The Orontes Valley in the Early Urban Age
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A Land in Between documents the material culture and socio-political relationships of the Orontes Valley and its neighbours from the fourth through to the second millennium BCE. The authors demonstrate that the valley was an important conduit for the exchange of knowledge and goods that fuelled the first urban age in western Syria. This lays the foundation for a comparative perspective, providing a clearer understanding of key differences between the Orontes region and its neighbours, and insights into how patterns of material and political association changed over time.
- 9781743327180
- 9781743327180
- Category:
- Middle & Near Eastern archaeology
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- 01-11-2020
- Publisher:
- Sydney University Press
- Country of origin:
- Australia
- Pages:
- 304
- Dimensions (mm):
- 254x178x15mm
- Weight:
- 0.4kg
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