For each theory, the book provides a brief summary, a list of its component constructs, a more extended description and a network analysis to show its links with other theories in the book. It considers the role of theory in understanding behaviour change and its application to designing and evaluating interventions.
Behaviour change theories:
Action Theory Model of Consumption
Affective Events Theory
Aids Risk Reduction Model
Behavioural-Ecological Model of Adolescent Aids Prevention
CEOS Theory
Change Theory
Classical Conditioning
COM-B System
Consumption as Social Practices
Containment Theory
Control Theory
Differential Association Theory
Diffusion of Innovations
Ecological Model for Preventing Type 2 Diabetes in Minority Youth
Extended Information Processing Model
Extended Parallel Processing Model
Feedback Intervention Theory
Focus Theory of Normative Conduct
General Theory of Crime
General Theory of Deviant Behaviour
Goal Directed Theory
Goal-Framing Theory
Goal Setting Theory
Health Action Process Approach
Health Behaviour Goal Model
Health Behaviour Internalisation Model
Health Belief Model
Health Promotion Model
I-Change Model
Information-Motivation-Behavioural Skills Model
Information-Motivation-Behavioural Skills Model of Adherence
Integrated Theoretical Model for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention
Integrated Theory of Drinking Behaviour
Integrated Theory of Health Behaviour Change
Integrative Model of Behavioural Prediction
Integrative Model of Factors Influencing Smoking Behaviour
Integrative Model of Health Attitude and Behaviour Change
Integrative Model of Factors Influencing Smoking And Attitude And Health Behaviour Change
Model of Pro-Environmental Behaviour
Motivation-Opportunities-Abilities Model
Needs-Opportunities-Abilities Model
Norm Activation Theory
Operant Learning Theory
Precaution Adoption Process Model
Pressure System Model
PRIME Theory
Problem Behaviour Theory
Prospect Theory
Protection Motivation Theory
Prototype Willingness Model
Rational Addiction Model
Reflective Impulsive Model
Regulatory Fit Theory
Relapse Prevention Model
Risk as Feelings Theory
Self-Determination Theory
Self-Efficacy Theory
Self-Regulation Theory
Six Staged Model of Communication Effects
Social Action Theory
Social Action Theory
Social Change Theory
Social Cognitive Theory
Social Consensus Model of Health Education
Social Development Model
Social Ecological Model of Behaviour Change
Social Ecological Model of Walking
Social Identity Theory
Social Influence Model of Consumer Participation
Social Learning Theory
Social Norms Theory
Systems Model of Health Behaviour Change
Technology Acceptance Model 1, 2 & 3
Temporal Self-Regulation Theory
Terror Management Theory
Terror Management Health Model
Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour
Theory of Normative Social Behaviour
Theory of Planned Behaviour
Theory of Triadic Influence
Transcontextual Model of Motivation
Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change
Value Belief Norm Theory
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