In your career, in your dreams and aspirations, in your life, reaching your goals is the key to creating true abundance. This sensible guide contains all you need to understand how to create and reach meaningful goals--not only for your finances, but for your life.
Here's an idea for you: write down ten things that you want to do in the next year and ask your spouse to do the same thing. Reaching those goals is how you arrive at true abundance. Remember, you're limited only by your own imagination. -- Kendall King
Find your goal! Whatever it is, take action on that one thing now, before you let any more time pass. That's how to reach true abundance. This book, written by a financial expert with years of experience, will guide you along
the way.
"I hope this book will give you a simple blueprint for achieving your most important investment goals as well as your
financial goals more generally--that is, for achieving abundance. I'll explain some important steps you'll need to
complete to find a financial advisor, as well as how to set your financial goals, because when you set financial goals, at some point you'll be asking yourself, 'What is all this money for?'"
Money won't buy happiness on its own, but if you can think about the right way to spend money, if you can find a goal and reach it, you will have discovered the key to true abundance.
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