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Accounting for Business Students is available in Revel, our new digital environment designed for the way today's students read, think, and learn.
This edition provides business and accounting students with an understanding of the main accounting concepts and their practical application in decision-making.
With a focus on engagement and relevance Accounting for Business Students offers technical depth with the inclusion of business transactions and accounting systems and internal control plus business related examples and cases.
The emphasis is on the application and interpretation of information for decision-making, and the underlying concepts of accounting. Features throughout the text focus on developing an understanding of key accounting principles through the use of relevant and engaging examples.
For educators, when the content is combined with the Enhanced Testbank and Facilitation Guide, the package offers activities and assessment to promote active learning and get students ready for the workplace.
An Enhanced Testbank for educators contains a variety of assignable questions to help students master chapter concepts and reinforce what they’ve learned.
An Active Learning Facilitation Guide for educators assists the development of accounting skills and communication, teamwork, critical thinking, problem-based learning, ethics, self-management, planning and organisation.
Plus, to ensure engagement and relevance the following text features have been included:
- Learning objectives listed at the beginning of each chapter explain the key concepts that students should understand plus end-of-chapter questions are also keyed to the objectives
- Concept check questions provide students with a quick check of their understanding of the learning objective
- Accounting and You boxes help students see the relevance of accounting concepts to their everyday life
- In-chapter activities test comprehension of the material and links to topics already covered or still to be covered
- Real World examples highlight the practical application of accounting concepts and techniques by real businesses and include a series of critical thinking class discussion points
- In-chapter self-assessment questions challenge students to put into practice their understanding of key concepts
- Summary correlates learning objectives with the method used to achieve them. End-of-chapter questions and problems reinforce understanding of chapter content. With various difficulty levels they include:
- discussion questions to help students assess their recall of the main principles covered in each chapter
- application exercises to help students apply and consolidate their understanding ofaccounting in practice
- Case studies give you real-world examples of accounting in practice and encourage students to think critically about accounting issues and controversies
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