PART ONE Acupuncture - a histor ical review.
Traditional Chinese acupuncture. How news of a cupuncture and moxibustion spread from China to the outside world. The p ractice of acupuncture in the Western world during the 19th century
PART TWO Principles of trigger point acupuncture
So me basic observations leading to its development. Evolution of knowledge concerning syndromes for which it is employed. Neurophysiology of pain. Myofascial trigger point pain and fibromyalgia syndromes. Concurrent co mplex regional and myofascial trigger point pain syndromes. Neurophysiol ogical pain - suppressing effects of acupuncture and transcutaneous elec trical nerve stimulation. Treatment of myofascial trigger point pain and fibromyalgia syndromes. Scientific evaluation of acupuncture's ability to relieve nociceptive pain.
PART THREE The practical appl ication of trigger point acupuncture.
Chest pain. The painf ul shoulder. Pain in the neck. Pain in the arm. Pain in the head and fac e. Low-back pain. Pain in the lower limb. Pain in and around joints. Abd
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