Table of Contents
1.1 Types of Extreme and Accidental Events
1.2 Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous Environments
1.3 Modeling of Random Parameters Affecting Structural Safety
1.4 Limit States and Risks
1.5 Future Trends Toward Advanced Structural Safety Studies
References 2. Probabilistic Selection of Event Scenarios
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Procedure for Event Scenarios Selection
2.3 Random Parameters Affecting an Event
2.4 Data Sources
2.5 Probability Density Functions
2.6 Latin Hypercube Sampling
2.7 Exercises to Select Event Scenarios
References 3. Limit State-Based Safety Studies
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Ultimate Limit States
3.3 Accidental Limit States
3.4 Fatigue Limit States
3.5 Serviceability Limit States
3.6 Health Condition Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction
4. Risk-Based Safety Studies
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Types of Risk
4.3 Main Tasks for Risk-Based Safety Studies
4.4 Planning a Risk-Based Safety Study
4.5 Defining the Structural System
4.6 Identifying Hazards
4.7 Selecting Scenarios
4.8 Conducting Frequency Analyses
4.9 Conducting Consequence Analyses4.10 Calculating Risk
4.11 Frequency Exceedance Diagrams
4.12 Risk Acceptance Criteria
4.13 Defining Risk Mitigation OptionsReferences
5. Safety Assessment of Damaged Structures
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Residual Strength-Damage Index Diagram
5.3 Hull Collapse-Based Safety Assessment of Ships Damaged by Grounding
5.4 Rapid Planning of Rescue and Salvage Operations
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Methods for Determining the Structural Loads of Ships in Ocean Waves
6.3 Design Wave Loads of a Very Large Crude Oil Carrier
6.4 Design Wave Loads of a 9,300-TEU Containership
6.5 Design Wave Loads of a 22,000-TEU Containership
6.6 Design Wave Loads of a 25,000-TEU Containership
6.7 Comparison of Design Wave Loads Between Ships of Different Sizes
References 7. Computational Models for Offshore Structural Load Analysis in Collisions
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Methods for Determining the Structural Loads of Offshore Platforms in Collisions
7.3 Structural Collision Loads of a Fixed Type Offshore Platform
References 8. Computational Models for Gas Cloud Temperature Analysis in Fires
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Industry Fire Curves
8.3 Gas Cloud Temperatures of Steel and Concrete Tubular Members in Jet Fire
8.4 Gas Cloud Temperatures in Jet Fire Caused by the Combustion of Propane Gases
8.5 Convergence Study in Fire Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling Techniques
References 9. Computational Models for Blast Pressure Load Analysis in Explosions
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Industry Practices of Blast Pressure Loads
9.3 Analysis of Gas Dispersion
9.4 Analysis of Gas Explosions
9.5 Effects of Structural Congestion and Surrounding Obstacles
References 10. Computational Models for Nonlinear Structural Response Analysis in Extreme Loads
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Incremental Galerkin Method
10.3 Intelligent Supersize Finite Element Method
10.4 Nonlinear Finite Element Method
References 11. Computational Models for Structural Crashworthiness Analysis in Collisions and Grounding
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Material Property Modeling
11.3 Type of Finite Elements
11.4 Size of Finite Elements
11.5 Strain-Rate Effect Modeling
11.6 Contact Problem Modeling
11.7 Friction Effect Modeling
11.8 Surrounding Water Effect Modeling
11.9 Modeling the Interaction Effects between Striking and Struck Bodies
11.10 Impact Response Modeling at Low Temperatures
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