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Advances in Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control

Advances in Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control

Theory and Applications

by Ahmadreza ArghaLi Li Hung Tan Nguyen and others
Publication Date: 18/06/2018

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The focus of this book is on the design of a specific control strategy using digital computers. This control strategy referred to as Sliding Mode Control (SMC), has its roots in (continuous-time) relay control. This book aims to explain recent investigations' output in the field of discrete-time sliding mode control (DSMC).

The book starts by explaining a new robust LMI-based (state-feedback and observer-based output-feedback) DSMC including a new scheme for sparsely distributed control. It includes a novel event-driven control mechanism, called actuator-based event-driven scheme, using a synchronized-rate biofeedback system for heart rate regulation during cycle-ergometer.

Key Features:

Focuses on LMI-based SMC (sliding mode control) for uncertain discrete-time system using novel nonlinear components in the control law

Makes reader understand the techniques of designing a discrete controller based on the flexible sliding functions

Proposes new algorithms for sparsifying control and observer network through multi-objective optimization frameworks

Discusses a framework for the design of SMC for two-dimensional systems along with analyzing the controllability of two-dimensional systems

Discusses novel schemes for sparsifying the control network
Power generation & distribution
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis Ltd
Country of origin:
United Kingdom
Dimensions (mm):

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