Chapter 1. Estimating Compacted Subgrade Density - A Machine Learning Approach with Ground Penetrating Radar Data.- Chapter 2. Physical-Mechanical Properties of Sandstones after Exposure to High Temperature.- Chapter 3. Liquefaction Properties of Two Types of Sandy Soils with Different Specimen Preparation Method.- Chapter 4. Research of Dynamics Property and Long-term Settlement about Weathered Argillaceous Siltstone under Base of Subway Tunnel.- Chapter 5. Reinforcement of Shallow-buried Tunnels in Soft Grounds by Deploying Umbrella Arch Method.- Chapter 6. Influence factors and Calculation Model of the Adhesion Strength of Clayey Soil.- Chapter 7. Numerical Investigation on Cracking Behavior of TBM Tunnel Lining Subjected to Surface Loading.- Chapter 8. Structural Analysis of Segmental Lining Based on the Bedding Beam Method and Incorporating the Nonlinear Response of Surrounding Soil.- Chapter 9. The Freezing Characteristic Curve of a Coarse-Grained Volcanic Soil.- Chapter 10. Physical and Mechanical Properties and Structural Characterization of Residual Soils.- Chapter 11. Microscopic Analysis of Tunnel Face Stability of Shield Tunneling Through Water-rich Sandy pebble Stratum.- Chapter 12. Discussion on the Influence of Mixing Machine Dust on Asphalt Mixture Under Different Mineral Filler Substitution Rate

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