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Application of Deep Learning Methods in Healthcare and Medical Science

Application of Deep Learning Methods in Healthcare and Medical Science

by Rohit TanwarPrashant Kumar Malay Kumar and others
Publication Date: 12/01/2023

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The volume provides a wealth of up-to-date information on developments and applications of deep learning in healthcare and medicine, providing deep insight and understanding of novel applications that address the tough questions of disease diagnosis, prevention, and immunization. The volume looks at applications of deep learning for major medical challenges such as cancer detection and identification, birth asphyxia among neonates, kidney abnormalities, white blood cell segmentation, diabetic retinopathy detection, and Covid-19 diagnosis, prevention, and immunization. The volume discusses applications of deep learning in detection, diagnosis, intensive examination and evaluation, genomic sequencing, convolutional neural networks for image recognition and processing, and more for health issues such as kidney problems, brain tumors, lung damage, and breast cancer. The authors look at ML for brain tumor segmentation, in lung CT scans, in digital X-ray devices, and for logistic and transport systems for effective delivery of healthcare.
Educational: Sciences
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Apple Academic Press Inc.
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