Updated Edition of Bestseller!
Applying Communication Theory for Professional Life, by Marianne Dainton and Elaine D. Zelley is the first communication theory textbook to provide practical material for career-oriented readers. Featuring new case studies, updated examples, and the latest research, the Fourth Edition of this bestseller introduces communication theory in a way that helps you understand its importance to careers in communication and business. Real-world case studies within each chapter are designed to illustrate the application of theory in a variety of professional settings.
New to the Fourth Edition
- All case studies now include specific questions about ethical issues associated with the narrative of the case and how knowledge of theory can help you negotiate these ethical dilemmas.
- The simulated “Education as Entertainment Theory” includes apps and other new media forms of educational content, keeping you up-to-date with the latest technology.
- Four new case studies have been added to show you how the theories are tied to recent events. The cases are titled:
1. “You’re Fired”
2. “Bad Move”
3. “Million Dollar Manipulation”
4. “The (New) Media Culture Wars”
- New research and scholarship for all theories can be found in the “Chapter Summaries” and “Research Applications” of each chapter.
- Numerous political examples have been added to reflect the increasingly divergent political rhetoric in the United States.
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