Atari is one of the most recognized names in the world. Since its formationin 1972, the company pioneered hundreds of iconic titles including Asteroids, Centipede, and Missile Command. In addition to hundreds of games created forarcades, home video systems, and computers, original artwork was speciallycommissioned to enhance the Atari experience, further enticing children andadults to embrace and enjoy the new era of electronic entertainment. The Art ofAtari is the first official collection of such artwork. Sourced from privatecollections worldwide, this book spans over 40 years of the company's uniqueillustrations used in packaging, advertisements, catalogs, and more. Co-writtenby Robert V. Conte and Tim Lapetino, The Art of Atari includes behind-the-scenesdetails on how dozens of games featured within were conceived of, illustrated, approved (or rejected), and brought to life! Includes a special Foreword by NewYork Times bestseller Ernest Cline author of Armada and Ready Player One, soonto be a motion picture directed by Steven Spielberg. Whether you're a fan, collector, enthusiast, or new to the world of Atari, this book offers the mostcomplete collection of Atari artwork ever produced!
"For me, revisiting the beautiful artwork presented in this book is almostas good as taking a trip in Doc Brown's time machine back to that halcyon era atthe dawn of the digital age. But be warned, viewing these images may leave youwith an overwhelming desire to revisit the ancient pixelated battlefields theyeach depict as well." -- from the Foreword by Ernest Cline, author of READYPLAYER ONE
Robert V. Conte wrote theAfterword
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