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Australian Youth

Australian Youth

Social and Cultural Issues

by Pam NilanRoberta Julian and John Germov
Publication Date: 03/05/2007

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Intended for courses in Youth Studies found in Sociology, Social Work, Social Welfare, Adolescent Social Psychology and Secondary Education Departments. This text is about young Australians in the 21st Century. It takes a sociological lens to the youth phenomena across a broad range of themes and topics, focusing on youth as they interact in their communities. Young people are viewed living and interacting with their families, age peers, friends and lovers in their local and virtual communities. The text emphasises the different experiences of specific cohorts of youth interacting with education, the labour force and a range of social institutions. Cultural practices of youth, including the consumption and creative use of popular culture, are considered. Australian Youth takes the view that young Australians in the 21st century face different challenges to previous generations, and are actively devising new ways of managing risk and social complexity. Samples Download the detailed table of contents Preview pages from Australian Youth: Social and Cultural Issues
Age groups: adolescents
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Pearson Education Australia
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