The five volumes of papers exploring the major themes of research surrounding the capacious oeuvre of Dr B.R. Ambedkar provide a summary evaluation of the state of Ambedkar studies internationally, highlight research trends both about and inspired by Ambedkar, and open up lines of future enquiry.
Volume 1 focuses specifically on the theme of political justice, including explorations in political theory inspired by Ambedkarite thought.
Volume 2 examines key issues in social justice, especially in terms of Indian democracy, and provides a wide range of perspectives all anchored in Ambedkar's work and writings.
Volume 3 covers legal and economic justice. The first part explores literature on the Constitution of India and its institutions, the idea of constitutional morality, rights and the rule of law, and Ambedkarite jurisprudence. The second part turns to a variety of issues in economic justice anchored in Ambedkar's economic philosophy.
Volume 4 focuses on gender justice and racial justice. The first part explores Ambedkar's impact on efforts to achieve gender justice in India, and effects various readings of Ambedkar as a feminist. The second part turns to comparisons of race and caste and explores the ways in which the movements for racial justice and caste equality can learn from one another and seek strategies of synergy.
Volume 5 treats of religious justice and cultural justice. It covers topics such as conversion, Navayana Buddhism, and liberation theology. The second part explores timely issues in cultural justice inspired by Ambedkar's own activism and struggles.
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