The new edition will bring the approach up-to-date with current examples and results from our recent research which reflects the experiences of many more organisations in aspects of BM. We will include our BM maturity model, which has proved valuable to many organisations.
Overall, the interest in BM techniques and their use is growing in both the practitioner and academic communities and this book will benefit from that growth and further stimulate it, growing the market even further.
This edition will include
1. some international survey results that reinforce the importance of the topic and the value of the tools and frameworks in the book, plus some more recent examples of success in using the Benefits Management approach, from our work with organizations over the last 3 years.
2. the development and application of the Benefits Management Maturity model
3. Discuss the role and value of Project Management Offices (PMOs) in improving the delivery of value from IS and IT
4. Include more on Program and Portfolio Management - which are very topical at the moment (as are PMOs) - including findings from our CIMA research in 2010.
5. We would also update the references to include more recent work elsewhere.
To provide greater appeal to a practitioner market we will also aim to remove or shorten some parts of the book e.g. the background to organizational IS/IT at the start of the book. We will also make the key material and practical guidance more obvious, accessible and succinct (via check-lists, boxes etc) and we would seek to make it an overall 'lighter and more accessible style'.
The book will include a broad coverage of the subject ensuring it includes all the key topics and the best of the available knowledge from the field. The authors address enduring issues in a new way, synthesized from best practices and sound theories and techniques from a range of management disciplines. The examples etc to be used are based on recent experiences of working with a wide range of organisations applying the approach across a variety of projects. Most of these examples will still be of relevance for a few years. The book should have a shelf-life of 4-5 years .
The new edition consists of 10 chapters and runs to some 250-300 pages. It includes case studies, check lists and templates for using the various tools etc.
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