In a big, bustling town lived a girl who loved bugs, from earthworms to ladybirds, woodlice and slugs.
While spiders or ants might make some scream in fright to her, creepy crawlies were such a delight!
If there’s anything to know about Betsy Buglove, it’s that, when she’s around, no bug ever has to worry about getting in trouble. Betsy’s not afraid of sticky goo, tangled webs, or even muddy boots, no! On her sixth birthday she receives a special gift, a magic magnifying glass that allows her to speak to her fuzzy, sometimes slimy, friends. So get ready, because Betsy’s about to get some serious business done.
Book Features:
- With an engaging rhyming text, gorgeous illustrations and a pinch of magic, children will be inspired to imagine they can speak to bugs, too!
- This book encourages children to appreciate the great outdoors.
- A true treat for bug-lovers, leaf through the endpapers to uncover non-fiction facts about Betsy’s crawly friends.
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