Return to the magical world of Platform 13 and discover why the secrets are escaping in this fun, magical adventure sequel by Sibéal Pounder. Beyond Platform 13 is inspired by characters from Eva Ibbotson's classic, The Secret of Platform 13.
Nine years after the events of The Secret of Platform 13, The Island of Mist is under siege and Odge Gribble and Prince Ben are in hiding. Desperate to find out why the mist is disappearing, Odge travels through the gump to Vienna, to find a mistmaker expert.
But in yet another case of mistaken identity, Odge finds Lina, a nine-year-old girl looking for adventure. With the help of friends old and new, and some very interesting magic, Odge and Lina must discover the secret of the mist, before they lose their beloved island completely.
Illustrated throughout by Beatriz Castro, this exciting story celebrates twenty-five years of Eva Ibbotson's original, with an updated illustrated edition of The Secret of Platform 13 also available.
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