Biocomposite and Synthetic Composites for Automotive Applications provides a detailed review of advanced macro and nanocomposite materials and structures, and discusses their use in the transport industry, specifically for automotive applications. This book covers materials selection, properties and performance, design solutions, and manufacturing techniques. A broad range of different material classes are reviewed with emphasis on advanced materials and new research pathways where composites can be derived from agricultural waste in the future, as well as the development and performance of hybrid composites.
The book is an essential reference resource for those researching materials development and industrial design engineers who need a detailed understanding of materials usage in transport structures. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis of composite products in automotive applications is also discussed, and the effect of different fiber orientation on crash performance. Synthetic/natural fiber composites for aircraft engine fire-designated zones are linked to automotive applications. Additional chapters include the application and use of magnesium composites compared to biocomposites in the automotive industry; autonomous inspection and repair of aircraft composite structures via vortex robot technology and its application in automotive applications; composites in a three-wheeler (tuk tuk); and thermal properties of composites in automotive applications.
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