Meet the Black Badges, a top-secret branch of boy scouts tasked by the government to take on covert missions that no adult ever could. Among their organization, the Black Badges are the elite-the best of the best. The missions they're tasked with are dangerous, and will only get worse as their leader's attention is split between their objective and tracking down a lost team member. A member who disappeared years ago...presumed dead. Reuniting New York Times bestselling author Matt Kindt (Mind MGMT) and illustrator Tyler Jenkins (Peter Panzerfaust) following their multiple Eisner Award-nominated series Grass Kings, Black Badge is a haunting look at foreign policy, culture wars, and isolationism through the lens of kids who know they must fix the world that adults have broken.
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Meet the Black Badges, a top-secret branch of boy scouts tasked by the government to take on covert missions that no adult ever could. Among their organization, the Black Badges are the elite-the best of the best. The missions they're tasked with are dangerous, and will only get worse as their leader's attention is split between their objective and tracking down a lost team member. A member who disappeared years ago...presumed dead. Reuniting New York Times bestselling author Matt Kindt (Mind MGMT) and illustrator Tyler Jenkins (Peter Panzerfaust) following their multiple Eisner Award-nominated series Grass Kings, Black Badge is a haunting look at foreign policy, culture wars, and isolationism through the lens of kids who know they must fix the world that adults have broken.
- 9781684153534
- 9781684153534
- Category:
- Graphic Novels
- Format:
- Hardback
- Publication Date:
- 28-05-2019
- Publisher:
- Boom! Studios
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Pages:
- 128
- Dimensions (mm):
- 286x184x15mm
- Weight:
- 0.65kg
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