The sixth edition meets and exceeds the National Fire Academy's Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) course objectives and outcomes for the Associate's Core level course called Building Construction for Fire Protection (C0275). Brannigan's Building Construction for the Fire Service, sixth edition, is an integral resource for officers, instructors, current and prospective fire fighters, those studying for promotion, individuals taking civil service examinations, and fire science students. It is part of an integrated teaching and learning system that combines dynamic features and content to support instructors and to help prepare students for their career in firefighting. This new edition features:
-Chapter 7 Non-Fire Building Systems (new) explains several categories of non-fire systems in buildings, including electrical systems, HVAC systems, plumbing systems, conveyances, and refrigeration systems, and their hazards for fire fighters.
-New or expanded content on:
?Aluminum-clad polyethylene panels
?Cranes and their use
?Modular construction using stacked shipping containers
?Light-weight wood-frame construction
?Fire escapes and stair design
?Cross-laminated timber and heavy timber construction
?Methods of protecting steel against fire
?New "green" materials and methods such as hempcrete and biofilters
?Structural wall framing systems with insulated studs
?Air-supported structures for sporting events
?Massive single-structure lightweight wood frame apartment buildings
?Firefighting recommendations in lightweight wood frame residential buildings
?Building construction and its relationship to flow path
?Historical perspective on fire resistance testing and its shortcomings
?Roofing material tests
?Safety issues of post-fire investigation of significantly damaged/collapsed buildings
-Scenario-Based Learning. Case Studies are found at the beginning and end of each chapter to encourage and foster critical thinking skills.
-Tactical Considerations that offer suggestions for firefighting, safety concerns, and related additional material for application on the fireground.
-Wrap-Up. Chapter Summaries, Key Terms, Challenging Questions, and Suggesting Readings promote comprehension and mastery of course objectives and outcomes.
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