Cambridge Making & Breaking the Law VCE Units 1–4 2nd Edition reflects the increased emphasis on current legal issues; the ability of the justice system to uphold the principles of justice; the rights of individuals; the relationship between the Australian people, the Constitution and law-making bodies; the main influences on law reform; and the overall importance of being an active and involved citizen.
- Comprehensively updated to include legislative changes and the latest data, this new edition ensures students have the most up-to-date information available to develop the knowledge and skills required for VCE success.
- New case studies and news reports highlight relevant and contemporary examples to engage students and expose them to industry practice.
- Practice exam questions at the end of each chapter have been carefully revised to progressively build the skills required for VCE success. Instructions on how to approach each question, including marks and recommended timing, help prepare students for their end-of-year exams.
- An even greater variety of tables and graphic organisers, photos, clear diagrams and flowcharts support the written content and make the book accessible for all students.
- This series is supported by the VCTA, the leading association for legal studies education.
- Fully aligned to the 2018–22 VCE Legal Studies study design, each chapter clearly outlines the applicable Unit and Area of Study that is being addressed.
- Legal briefs provide more in-depth analysis of legal issues and highlight contemporary legal issues. These can be discussed in the classroom or used to form the basis of assessment tasks. Students learn to apply knowledge of legal concepts and principles to current world issues.
- Notes in the margin provide students with an ongoing summary of the key points of each topic, which can be used for revision.
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