CambridgeMATHS Stage 6 resources for Mathematics Standard 1 Year 12 and Standard 2 Year 12, as well as Advanced Mathematics Year 11 and Extension 1 Mathematics Year 11 will be published in 2018.
Created by an author team with great expertise in developing textbook materials for NSW maths classrooms and backed up by Cambridge HOTmaths' unrivalled digital technology, CambridgeMATHS Stage 6 includes Interactive Textbooks and Online Teaching Suites that offer effortless and immediate navigation to:
- Videos for key worked examples and concepts help to develop a deep understanding of fundamental skills and enable students to work independently.
- Embedded interactive Desmos widget activities help students to visualise mathematical concepts.
- Students can complete every question online, if desired, and submit their workings and answers to the teacher. Auto-marked multiple-choice questions provide students with immediate feedback.
- Comprehensive worked solutions for all questions are provided in the Interactive Textbook as an option that teachers can choose to make available to students.
- The tried and tested Learning Management System (LMS) - available with the Online Teaching Suite - combines task-management tools, a powerful test generator, readymade tests, and a suite of student and whole-class reports.
Bill Pender
Bill Pender has a PhD in Pure Mathematics from Sydney University. After a year at Bonn University , he taught at Sydney Grammar School from 1975 to 2008, where he was Subject Master for many years. He has been involved in the development of NSW Mathematics syllabuses since the early 1990s, and was a foundation member of the Education Advisory Committee of AMSI. He has also lectured and tutored at Sydney University and at UNSW, and given various inservice courses. Bill is the lead author of the NSW calculus series Cambridge Mathematics.
David Sadler
At the time of publication David was Second Master in Mathematics and Master in Charge of Statistics at Sydney Grammar School, where he has taught since 1980.
Derek Ward
Derek has taught mathematics at Sydney Grammar School since 1991, and at the time of publication was Master in Charge of Database Administration.
Brian Dorofaeff
Julia Shea
Julia has taught in both the state and private school systems. At the time of publication she was Head of Mathematics at Newington College.
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