1. How a Church Opened its Doors - Gerard Mannion
2. Deconstructing and Reconstructing a Cliche - On Vatican II as a "Pastoral Council" John O'Malley, S.J.
Part One: Opening to the World - The Turn to Moral Mission and Social Justice
3. Benedict XV - A Most Unexpected Architect of Vatican II: Agnes de Dreuzy
4. Gaudium et Spes and the Opening to the World: Charles E. Curran
5. Economic Activity in Gaudium et Spes: Opening to the World or Theological Vocation?: Matthew A. Shadle
Part Two: Women and Vatican II
6. Women during and after Vatican II: Patricia Madigan, O.P.
7. Opening to the World: A Reformed Feminist Posture of Openness: Mary McClintock Fulkerson
8. Tensions Over 'Feminism', U.S. Women Religious, and the Contested Reception of Vatican II: Anne E. Patrick, S.N.J.M.
9. Women and the Art of Magisterium: Reflections on Vatican II and the Postconciliar Church: Gerard Mannion
Part Three: Inculturation: The Contextual Reception of the Council
10. We are the Church - The Church in Dialogue in Papua: Jan Nielen
11. Mary as Type and Model of Church in Lumen Gentium -Reception in Asia: Agnes M. Brazal
12. From The Cardinal to The Shoes of the Fisherman: Hollywood's Curious Fascination with Vatican II: Paul G. Monson
Part Four: Ecumenical Readings of Vatican II
13. Bridges and Doors: An Ecumenical Reading of Vatican II: Dale T. Irvin
14. Vatican II - A Shift in the Attitude of the Roman Catholic Church towards the Reformation Churches? - A Protestant Perspective: Dagmar Heller
15. The Russian Orthodox Observers at Vatican II in the Context of Soviet Religious Politics: Anastacia Wooden
16. Vatican II and the Redefinition of Anglicanism: Mark D. Chapman
Part Five: The Fruits and Future of Vatican II's Ecumenical Opening
17. Surveying the Impact of Unitatis Redintegratio: Achieved Convergences - Current Processes - Open Questions: Dorothea Sattler
18. A Patroness for the Council? Building a Movement for Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Aid of Church Unity: Patrick J. Hayes
19. The Ecumenical Imperative after Vatican II: Achievements and Challenges: Susan Wood, S.C.L.
20. Remembering the Future: Church and Churches Towards Multi-Faceted Unity: Cardinal Walter Kasper
21. Epilogue: Brian Flanagan
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