Central Nervous System Intraoperative Cytopathology covers the full spectrum of benign and malignant conditions of the CNS with emphasis on common disorders. The volume is heavily illustrated and contains useful algorithms that guide the reader through the differential diagnosis of common and uncommon entities encountered in the field of intraoperative neuro-cytopathology. This book will be a valuable quick reference for pathologists, cytopathologists, and fellows and trainees dealing with this exigent field.
Since the successful First Edition, the advances in radiological, clinical, morphological, and molecular aspects of CNS diseases, as well as the increasing options for different treatments modalities require updating of textbooks and revision of diagnostic algorithms.
To reach this aim, Central Nervous System Intraoperative Cytopathology, Second Edition features the incorporation of 3 new chapters, 2 appendices, and all new full-color images in the text with updates of new diagnostic information according to 2016 WHO classification of CNS tumors. This fully updated edition also includes expanded clinic-radiological approach, recent biomarkers, and cytological features of new WHO entities.
In summary, the text has been extensively revised and largely rewritten to offer the practicing pathologist a concise summary of the critical information needed to recognize and interpret the current exigent field of intraoperative neurocytopathology.
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