Do you want to dramatically improve your game? Do you want to quickly master the most popular chess openings?
If so, this is the book you have been waiting for. Learn the most successful Chess Openings to dominate every game and become a savvy chess player. Magnus Templar explains how to control the center and rule each and every party you'll play. He takes you step-by-step through the most important chess openings such as the Italian Game, King's Gambit, Queen's Gambit, the Ruy Lopez, the English for white, Sicilian Defense, French Defense, Slav Defense, Caro-Cann Defense and many more.
You will also learn what to look for when determining your opponent's game plan!
If you apply the tricks and traps of this book you will win every play and beat all your unsuspecting foes!
CHESS OPENINGS FOR BEGINNERS - A Comprehensive Guide to Chess Openings is an easy-to-understand yet powerful guide to quickly master Chess. You will learn the best Chess Openings, proven strategies, and tactics on how to win each and every game.
Do not wait longer to get YOUR KEY to becoming a brilliant chess player. Do not wait longer to GET CHESS OPENINGS FOR BEGINNERS - A Comprehensive Guide to Chess Openings now. No Regrets Guaranteed.
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