This is a practice-focused guide to the Federal WaterPollution Control Act, commonly known as the Clean Water Act--the primaryfederal statute regulating water pollution for the protection of the country'swater resources.
Clean Water Act Essentials: Third Edition provideslegal practitioners, consultants, and other interested individuals with anoverview of the CWA's complex framework of federal and state controls. Theauthors explain the statute and the 1972 Amendments that created a system ofpermits and regulations to govern the discharge of pollutants into the nation'swaters and publicly owned treatment works, focusing on these uniform standardsand their implementation and enforcement.
This quick overview covers all essential elements of the CleanWater Act:
- History of theClean Water Act and Amendments
- NPDESpermitting process
- Technology-basedstandards
- Water-quality-basedeffluent limitations
- Publicly ownedtreatment works (POTW)
- Regulation ofwetlands
- Discharges andspills of oil and hazardous substances
- Wet-weatherdischarges from point sources
- Reducingnonpoint source pollution
- Enforcement
Clean Water Act Essentials: Third Edition includestime-saving appendices, including an acronym list, FAQs, a list of key caseswith a one-sentence description of that case, glossary, and bibliography.Whether you're new or seasoned professional, you'll find this a quick andnecessary resource for understanding the legal fundamentals of the CWA.
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