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Collective Baths in Egypt 2

Collective Baths in Egypt 2

by Berangere Redon
Publication Date: 31/12/2017

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English summary: Over the past decade the Antique and Medieval Baths of Egypt programme of the IFAO and the Balneorient group have conducted multidisciplinary studies of the collective baths and bathing culture of Egyptian societies from the 4th century BC until the Ottoman period. Following an initial volume published in 2009 that served as an introduction to the project, the present publication gathers a collection of in-depth case studies of very recently excavated baths, as well as thematic studies examining bath construction and decoration techniques, and the issue of the fuel used to heat bath buildings. This volume also contains comprehensive analyses of four significant periods of bathing practice in Egypt, namely the Ptolemaic, Roman, Late Roman/Byzantine and modern period. In addition, the book ends with four catalogues describing and illustrating all the collective baths discovered in Egypt to date (103 buildings). This collaborative work brings to completion more than a decade of fieldwork on baths and bathing in Egypt. French description: Pendant une dizaine d'annees, le programme ?Bains antiques et medievaux d'Egypte? de l'Ifao et le groupe de recherche Balneorient ont mene une serie d'etudes multidisciplinaires portant sur le bain collectif et la culture balneaire des societes egyptiennes entre le ive s. av. J.-C. et l'epoque ottomane. Apres un premier volume, publie en 2009, qui a permis de dresser un premier etat des lieux, le present livre reunit des etudes de cas portant sur des bains tres recemment mis au jour et des articles thematiques explorant la question des techniques de construction et de decoration des bains, et celle du combustible utilise pour chauffer les edifices balneaires. Il comprend aussi quatre articles de synthese sur quatre periodes majeures de la pratique du bain collectif en Egypte?: epoque ptolemaique, Haut Empire, periode romano-byzantine et enfin epoque moderne. Ils sont accompagnes de quatre catalogues decrivant et illustrant tous les bains collectifs d'Egypte decouverts a ce jour (103), presentes a la fin du volume. Ce travail de collaboration represente l'achevement de plus d'une decennie de travaux de terrain sur les bains et les pratiques balneaires en Egypte.
Ancient history: to c 500 CE
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