Commercialisation of Intellectual Property by Natalie Stoianoff, Fred Chilton and Ann Monotti takes an integrated approach to legal, business and technical aspects of the commercialisation of intellectual property. It will be valuable to students taking intellectual property commercialisation subjects, to academics and postgraduate students, and to legal and other professionals working with intellectual property and its commercial exploitation. Written by authoritative authors from different jurisdictions and disciplinary backgrounds, Commercialisation of Intellectual Property is the only Australian book on the topic. It offers a comprehensive survey of much of the law and some of the business and economics of commercialising and licensing intellectual property rights in an interdisciplinary and comparative context.
Features- authoritative authors from different jurisdictions and disciplinary backgrounds
- the only Australian book on the topic
- comprehensive coverage and thorough understanding
Related Titles- Ricketson, Richardson &Davison, Intellectual Property: Cases, Materials and Commentary, 5th ed, 2013
- Stewart et al, Intellectual Property in Australia, 5th ed, 2014
- Van Caenegem, Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, 2nd ed, , 2015
- 9780409340648
- 9780409340648
- Intellectual property law
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- LexisNexis Australia
- Edition:
- 1st Edition
- Weight:
- 0kg
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