Employers want graduates who are 'job ready' and the skills they rate most highly are communication-related skills. Jobseekers who are articulate and can demonstrate interpersonal skills, teamwork, leadership, problem solving and conflict resolution skills are highly sought after. Graduates do accumulate these skills in the course of their degree studies, but the strongest job candidates are able to identify and articulate their skills to employers.
This is a communication skill in itself and is a major area of focus in this edition of Communicating for Success.
Key aims in this third edition are to equip students with:
- The ability to identify and understand the value and relevance of communication skills to employment and career success
- The ability to demonstrate to employers the value of communication-related knowledge and skills they have acquired during their studies
- An understanding of lifelong learning as a high-level employability skill that can enable them to adapt to changing work demands and environment as a way of job proofing themselves for the future.
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