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CompTIA A+ 220-1001 and 220-1002

CompTIA A+ 220-1001 and 220-1002

by Richard McDonald
Publication Date: 07/11/2019

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In this best-of-breed study guide, a leading expert helps you master all the topics you need to know to succeed on your CompTIA exams and move into a successful career as an IT technician. The concise, focused approach explains every exam objective from a real-world perspective, helping you quickly identify weaknesses and retain everything you need to know.

Every feature of this book is designed to support both efficient exam preparation and long-term mastery:

  • Includes coverage of the new performance-based questions
  • Opening Topics Lists and Exam Objectives Summary define the topics you'll need to learn in each chapter, including a list of the official exam objectives covered in that chapter
  • Key Topics call attention to the information that's most crucial to know for the exam
  • Exam Preparation Tasks include reviewing key topics, completing memory tables, defining key terms, working through scenarios, and answering review questions--all designed to help you go beyond simple facts to make sure you master concepts crucial to both passing the exam and enhancing your career
  • Key Terms defined in a complete glossary explain all the field's essential terminology
Computer certification: CompTia
Publication Date:
Cisco Press
Country of origin:
United States
5th Edition
Dimensions (mm):

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