All these problems relating to coastal and marine ecosystems, fisheries resources and population dynamics, the effect of fishing, evaluation of potential yield and sustainable fishing, present fish landing trend in world oceans, the threat of endangered species, the need for conservation in world oceans and fish stocks from extinction and the basic concepts of fishery management guiding the management policies, such as ban on fishing, establishment of Marine Protected Areas and declaration of sanctuaries have been described in details in thirteen chapters of the book. The similar problems of open access fisheries in coastal lagoons, man-made reservoirs and rivers and the conservation of fisheries biodiversity in these ecosystems find place in last three chapters of the book. The book will be useful for the teachers, students and researchers of the fisheries field."
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All these problems relating to coastal and marine ecosystems, fisheries resources and population dynamics, the effect of fishing, evaluation of potential yield and sustainable fishing, present fish landing trend in world oceans, the threat of endangered species, the need for conservation in world oceans and fish stocks from extinction and the basic concepts of fishery management guiding the management policies, such as ban on fishing, establishment of Marine Protected Areas and declaration of sanctuaries have been described in details in thirteen chapters of the book. The similar problems of open access fisheries in coastal lagoons, man-made reservoirs and rivers and the conservation of fisheries biodiversity in these ecosystems find place in last three chapters of the book. The book will be useful for the teachers, students and researchers of the fisheries field."
- 9789351302117
- 9789351302117
- Category:
- Primary industries
- Format:
- Hardback
- Publication Date:
- 01-01-2014
- Publisher:
- Astral International Pvt Ltd
- Country of origin:
- India
- Pages:
- 298
- Dimensions (mm):
- 234x156x21mm
- Weight:
- 0.64kg
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