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Contemporary Feminist Theologies

Contemporary Feminist Theologies

by Kerrie HandasydeCathryn McKinney and Rebekah Pryor
Publication Date: 12/03/2021

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This book explores the issues of power, authority and love with current concerns in the Christian theological exploration of feminism and feminist theology.

It addresses its key themes in three parts: (1) power deals with feminist critiques, (2) authority unpacks feminist methodologies, and (3) love explores feminist ethics. Covering issues such as embodiment, intersectionality, liberation theologies, historiography, queer approaches to hermeneutics, philosophy and more, it provides a multi-layered and nuanced appreciation of this important area of theological thought and practice.

This volume will be vital reading for scholars of feminist theology, queer theology, process theology, practical theology, religion and gender.

Christian theology
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis Group
Country of origin:
United States
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