The fifth edition of Contract Law offers an in-depth examination of Australian contract law and its core principles. Supported by the latest developments, this text explores contemporary issues and illustrates complex topics with succinct case summaries, improving students' legal reasoning and analytical skills while refining their understanding of the law.
This text is also available with the Contract Law Case Book Third Edition which gives students access to an expanded selection of primary and secondary materials.
- Incorporates statutory changes since 2013
- Explores a number of important decisions handed down by the High Court, including Paciocco v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (2016)Chapter 20 expanded to include examination of contractual termination including pursuant to a contingent conditionChapter 26 updated to include: Federal Court decision in Australian Competition and ConsumerCommission v Chrisco Hampers Australia Ltd (2015)The application of the electronic transactions legislation across Australia
- The expansion of unfair contract terms provisions in the Australian Consumer Law
- Includes up-to-date and concise examination of contemporary issues in contract law
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