Wolf-shifter Vanessa Burns has survived a life of brutality and neglect. Being kidnapped, drugged, and forced into an underground fighting right is just the beginning of one man's sick and twisted obsession. Travis Kameron, the Alpha of the Crescent Ice Pack, suffering a similar fate; wakes up to find that his life is about to be irreparable changed by the fierce she-wolf in the next cage. Can they put aside old rivalries and the past and work together to not only survive and escape but to weather the storm of complications, revenge, and betrayals waiting for them on the outside? (MA18+ for graphic sexual and violent content)
- 9781944985080
- 9781944985080
- Romance
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Lavish Publishing, LLC
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Edition:
- 2nd Edition
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