With new surgical advances and innovations, more older, sicker, higher-risk patients are undergoing surgery. Expertly assessing and managing patients with comorbidities who are undergoing surgical procedures is an absolutely critical task today-and Decision Making in Perioperative Medicine: Clinical Pearls will ensure that you make the right decisions through every step of the process.
Which risk calculator should you use? How long should you delay surgery after percutaneous coronary intervention? Should the patient continue taking aspirin? How long before surgery should you stop a direct-acting oral anticoagulant? Decision Making in Perioperative Medicine: Clinical Pearls answers your questions when it comes to perioperative care. Filled with algorithms, tables, and clinical pearls, this practical resource is organized into three sections:
- Key takeaways on preoperative evaluation, testing, anesthesia, and medication management
- Expert guidance on evaluating the effect of comorbidities on surgical outcome and providing strategies for medical optimization to minimize risk
- Review of common postoperative medical complications and treatment
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