A series of inquiry based lesson plans for TinkerPlots using real world Australian data sets.
Deepen your middle school students' understanding of data
Developed by a team of educators at the University of Tasmania, led by Jane Watson. Aligned with the goals of the Australian curriculum, this 374 page resource book, with accompanying data sets, helps students learn essential data analysis concepts and skills. The inquiry-based lessons use the power of TinkerPlots Dynamic Data Exploration software, from Key Curriculum Press. This is assisted through the use of real-world Australian data sets to engage students accross the curriculum in making conjectures, creating and interpreting graphical representations, and writing evidence-based conclusions.
The Lessons include an Overview, Lesson Plan, Worksheets and Answers to worksheets. Each of the Lessons compliment the TinkerPlots Software and help teachers and students use the software to its highest potential.
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