The definitive guide to the law that all nurses need to know.
Written specifically for student nurses as well as those already in practice, Dimond's Legal Aspects of Nursing is your essential practical guide to the legal principles you need to be aware of in your everyday nursing practice.
Building on previous editions of the book by Bridgit Dimond, this 8th edition has been significantly reworked by a new author team with extensive experience in teaching nursing law. It has also been fully updated and revised in line with recent legal developments and the new Nursing standards to ensure it continues to meet the requirements of nursing law modules.
New to this edition:
- Introduction of new and updated Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) Fitness to Practise procedures
- Reference to the NMC Code 2015 (updated 2018) including Duty of candour
- Data Protection legislation updated including reference to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016
- Greater reference to the devolved UK administrations
- Updated overview of a nurses' duty of care
- Reference to the new NMC approved curriculum, and the introduction of nursing associates
- Introduction of upcoming changes to the Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Comprehensive discussion of the practice implications of the Supreme Court Decisions in Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015]
- Consideration of the revised Health and Social Care Act 2008 (regulated activities) regulations 2014
- Updated consideration of gross negligence manslaughter
- Practical implications of the extension of the crimes of ill treatment and willful neglect under the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 section 20 and 21
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