Preface.- Part I LES Modelling.- On scale separation in large eddy simulations, by Roel Verstappen.- Numerical experiments with a new dynamic mixed subgrid-scale model, by P. Lampitella, F. Inzoli, and E. Colombo.- Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation of Isotropic Turbulent Mixing, by F.F. Grinstein, A.J. Wachtor, J.R. Ristorcelli, and C.R. DeVore.- New differential operators for large-eddy simulation and regularization modeling, by F.X. Trias, A. Gorobets, A. Oliva, and R.W.C.P. Verstappen.- Assessment of Implicit Subgrid-Scale Modeling for Turbulent Supercritical Mixing, by C.A. Niedermeier, S. Hickel, and N.A. Adams.- Validation of an entropy-viscosity model for large eddy simulation, by J.-L. Guermond, A. Larios, and T. Thompson.- A stochastic closure approach for LES with application to turbulent channel flow, by P. Metzner, M. Waidmann, D. Igdalov, Th. von Larcher, I. Horenko, R.Klein, A. Beck, G. Gassner, and C.D. Munz.- Comparison of URANS, PANS, LES and DNS of flows around simplified ground vehicles with passive flow manipulation, by X. Han, S. Krajnovic, C.-H. Bruneau, and I. Mortazavi.- Variational Multiscale LES investigation of drag and near-wake flow of an axisymmetric blunt-based body, by A. Mariotti, M.V. Salvetti, and G. Buresti.- SVV-LES and active control of flow around the square back, by Ahmed Body, Noele Peres and Richard Pasquetti.- Design of high-order implicit filters on unstructured grids for the identification of large-scale features in Large-Eddy Simulations, by L. Guedot, G. Lartigue, and V. Moureau.- Part II Numerical methods.- DNS of canonical turbulent flows using the modal discontinuous Galerkin method, by J.-B. Chapelier, M. De La Llave Plata, F. Renac, and E. Lamballais.- LES using a discontinuous Galerkin method: isotropic turbulence, channel flow and periodic hill flow, by C. Carton de Wiart, K. Hillewaert, L. Bricteux, and G. Winckelmans.- Underresolved Turbulence Simulations with Stabilized High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods, by Andrea D. Beck, Gregor J. Gassner, Thomas Bolemann, Hannes Frank, Florian Hindenlang, and Claus-Dieter Munz.- A Characteristic-Based Volume Penalization Method for Arbitrary Mach Flows Around Solid Obstacles, by Eric Brown-Dymkoski, Nurlybek Kasimov, and Oleg V. Vasilyev.- DNS of square-cylinder flow using hybrid wavelet-collocation/volume penalization method, by G. De Stefano and O.V. Vasilyev.- Generation of intermittent turbulent inflow and initial conditions based on wavelet construction method, by L. Zhou, J. Grilliat, A. Delgado.- A new high-order method for the accurate simulation of incompressible wall-bounded flows, by Peter Lenaers, Phillip Schlatter, Geert Brethouwer, and Arne V. Johansson.- Part III Quality of LES modelling.- Investigations on the effect of different subgrid models on the quality of LES results, by F. Proch, M.W.A. Pettit, T. Ma, M. Rieth, and A.M. Kempf.- Computational Complexity of Adaptive LES with Variable Fidelity Model Refinement, by Alireza Nejadmalayeri, Oleg V. Vasilyev, and Alexei Vezolainen.- Elimination of curvature-induced grid motion for r-adaptation, by C. Hertel, M. Joppa, B. Krull, and J. Fröhlich.- Reliability of LES simulations in the context of a benchmark on the aerodynamics of a rectangular 5:1 cylinder, by M.V. Salvetti and L. Bruno.- Quantifying the impact of subgrid scale models in actuator-line based LES of wind turbine wakes in laminar and turbulent inflow, by H. Sarlak, C. Meneveau, J. N. S rensen, and R. Mikkelsen.- Part IV Hybrid models.- Elements and Applications of Scale-Resolving Simulation Methods in Industrial CFD, by F. Menter.- Hybrid LES-URANS Methodology for Wall-Bounded Flows, by S. Schmidt and M. Breuer.- Part V Stability and transition.- Investigations of stability and transition of a jet in crossflow using DNS, by A. Peplinski, P. Schlatter, and D. S. Henningson.- DNS of a double diffusive instability, by J.G. Wissink, H. Herlina, S.I. Voropayev, and H.J.S. Fernando.- Flow past a
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