A primer on disability ethics from a Catholic perspective offers practical strategies for inclusion
Persons with disability make up at least 15 percent of the global population, yet disability is widely unacknowledged and unexplored in theology. Moreover, many people join this minority community in their lifetimes through compromises to their health due to aging or accident. However, too few people without immediate experience of persons with disability remain unconcerned with this largest and most diverse minority of people across the globe.
Disability Ethics and Preferential Justice is a response to a dearth of theo-ethical reflection on disability, arguing that justice requires a preferential safeguard for persons and communities of people with disability. Mary Jo Iozzio introduces the basics of disability realities and etiquette for those who have not recognized their absence in common human activities. She uses reflection on the image of God as a foundation for a theological lens within disability ethics and exposes personal and systemic forms of control that able-bodied people (knowingly or not) exercise to maintain power over people with disability. She offers strategies based on Catholic social teaching to inspire deliberate action with an increasingly inclusive and participatory Church and society.
Iozzio invites readers to think about their responses to matters of disability inclusion across the common spaces to which all of us should have access. She challenges secular spaces as well as the Church's response to persons with disability concerning especially structural accessibility to worship, the sacraments, and community.
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